5/1/10 Illusion of beauty

I recently looked back to the issue with the senior model twiggy in her olay advertising campaign for anti-wrinkle cream. In the promoted imagery her skin was retouched clearing a lot of wrinkles making a deceptive outlook of the cream. There were many complaints from the public “the ad was not only misleading but also socially irresponsible, because it could have a negative impact on people's perceptions of their own body image". I personally believe the media is causing problems like anorexia and phycological damage to the younger generation who look at images of these perfectly looking airbrushed models and begin to question whether their body is acceptable or not. The worst impacted genre of photography for retouching is the fashion industry. There are thousands of images of size 0 models retouched until they almost look somewhat doll like in magazines and advertisement’s everywhere across the country. They try to create ‘the Perfect image’ for women to follow when all they are doing are causing younger women to believe they are not attractive making them want to loose weight leading to certain phycological illnesses.

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