22/12/09 DISP

Before we broke up for the christmas holidays we had lots of deadlines approaching and there seemed to be an anxious mad rush around the campus. Digital imaging studio practise was one of the units due in, my final image for this is shown above with the two large speakers placed next to the small blue bungalow. The theme of the project was incongruous so we were required to place a studio captured image into a location shot making it looking fitted. It had to be an object or thing that didn't belong in its usual surroundings i feel my image fitted the brief but i didn't fully develop my ideas to there full potential. The image is entitled noisy neighbours and is supposed to portray my feelings about the one angry resident who lives on our street who is continuously writing formal complaints to the council about our 'anti-social behaviour' and 'noise pollution'. I personally think she should try living next to this house and leave us alone!

Anyway its christmas now and I'm going home to work the hours of a small asian child so i can afford to buy a new camera. Hope everyone has an enjoyable break and comes back refreshed for a jammed packed new term of work :)

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