12/04/10 Final Post

Ok people this is my last post for a short while.... What can I say really........It's been emotional. Its all gone way to quickly but I can honestly say I've had a great first year and met so many nice people. There is not one thing I would change about my uni life in Bournemouth. Being located on the beach in a safe area with lots of night life and old people you get a real mix. I have learnt considerable amounts and there is still much to be learnt..... I look to the future with great positivity and cant wait to get started on another year of madness

I think I will leave you with a rather mature video of me deciding its summer...........

6/04/10 Rodney Lough Jr.

I needed a breath of fresh air after all the work and hand in deadlines so I decided to search for a successful landscape photographer. I managed to find a new up an coming Ansel Adams named Rodney Lough Jr who has a natural passion for photographing America National parks, National monuments and wilderness areas. To me his landscapes are somewhat dreamlike and have a very surreal feel to them.

If you check the link out below it shows a relaxing video of a small collection of his work.


30/03/10 Richard Avedon

"In memory of the late Mr and Mrs Comfort"

This was a 25 page spread shown in the New York Times in november 6th 1995. I certainly found it very eye catching and interesting but you can see it as quite a dark morbid set of images. I personally associate skeletons with death and creatures from hell so it automatically changes the meaning of each image for me. The bottom image where the skeleton is sitting in the toilet cubicle it looks almost if he is trying to listen to the girl. The image makes me question can the dead hear us? or we are alone but is there something the other side of a wall we just cant see.

"Avedon did not conform to the standard technique of taking fashion photographs, where models stood emotionless and seemingly indifferent to the camera. Instead, Avedon showed models full of emotion, smiling, laughing, and, many times, in action".

23/03/10 CAP

Below are my thoughts mid Project and below them are my final images for CAP

To put it simply I have become a bit lost with my ideas and have recently grasped onto this concept ‘you wouldn’t go without it’. Personally after drawing some sketches I thought the idea was to basic and just to cliché. I sat down and had a major re-think; I started to envision something that represents a good insurance company. This is when I had the vision of this of this man who was dressed in a black suit with his black umbrella and black bowler hat with his back turned at all times not revealing his identity. He is this representation of security knowing he was around meant that you and your life would be safe. I have thought how I would make these ‘happy go lucky’ images work using this man and I can imagine different scenarios occurring with him standing in the near background. I am going to use a interesting looking chair to act as a symbol of comfort and safety.